My First ETT Encounter – Pat & Lionel’s Story

Many years ago, whilst out in the countryside as we walked there passed two Lancaster bombers across an old airfield. Much to our amazement, from nowhere their appeared five Messerschmitt 109s intent upon gunning from all angles of attack the larger planes.

No – we are not talking about the war years, we are talking about back in the seventies whilst walking our two Dobermans. The agile fighter planes were in fact ETTs, intent on running down and indeed bringing down our two lolloping Lancasters.

Then appeared their owner and breeder who shouted “don’t worry they only want to play!”. We look at them, look at our two Dobermans and think “it’s not ours we are worried about”, there is something of a size difference here!!! We however, keeping a close eye on proceedings, soon realise that our two are both out run and out smarted by these five little ones. After a few moments of staring down at them in disbelief we realise that they indeed did want to play, and so the fun began.

The inevitable conversation then started with the breeder. Yes, the ‘what, why, when, where’ one that all ETT owners soon become familiar with. This is the very reason that what starts out as a quick half hour walk becomes two hours, explaining to interested passers-by about the breed and why people haven’t seen one before.

That was our first introduction to the breed. Our “little and large ” group met on subsequent occasions to walk across the fields together.

Having had dogs all our lives, breeding varieties such as Corgis, Labradors, Yorkies, Lancashire Heelers, Spaniels and several much loved cross breeds – we never thought we would end up with a houseful of this delightful breed.

After we lost the last of our large dogs, the time came, to think sensibly and consider having a small breed that would be easier to carry as they got older and walking became more difficult for them.

We pondered about which breed to choose, considered rescue centres then back came the wonderful memories of those little Messerschmitt planes. The terrier spirit which we know and love, the Black and Tan plus the fun factor. Yes, that was what we decided would be the breed for us.

Ever since we have been hooked, and are even more in love with the breed as the time goes by.  How our family has grown, and they have us back to the world of showing (a place we never thought we’d return to) and have also revived our love of breeding.

Our house is their house, they are always with us. No, we don’t miss those foreign holidays. Our life is the same as theirs.

A Dogs Life!!! WE LOVE IT!!!

Submitted by: Pat and Lionel Waterhouse (Twowayshouse)


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Medical Kit for Dogs

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