X-pected Dine Mite
Kirsti & Eirik Kahrs
Oslo Norway
X-pected Dine Mite
We live in Oslo, Norway. Our family contains of Eirik, Kirsti, our 2 children Tanja and Petter and our dogs.
Both of us have always loved dogs and when we first met in 1988, Kirsti owned a Great Dane and Eirik had a Shetland Sheepdog.
In 1989 we had our first litter, a great Dane litter of 5. We kept 2 bitches that lived on to be 9 1/2 and 10 1/2 years old.
When they started to get older we desided we wanted a smaller, healthy breed. So we found the manchester terrier. This we have never regret.
Then some years later we started up with English toy terriers as well.