Randallcarr Royal Colours at Twowayshouse


 Location Cheshire/ Northumberland, UK

Randallcarr Royal Colours at Twowayshouse

Proven stud dog, sire of 11 progeny  

Sire Ch. Randallcarr Royal Ace

Dam Randallcarr Suzie Que

Health checks

  • Patellar luxation
  • JDCM
  • Xanthinuria

About Bosun

Bosun is a lovely natured boy. Tends to be a daddy’s boy although he does love to sit on Mums knee for cuddles. He absolutely loves going out in vehicles and any sign that a journey might be imminent he makes it very clear he’s not going to be left behind. An excellent stud dog who knows what is required and like his Sire, never bothers the Dam until the time is right.


Owner(s) Mr & Mrs Waterhouse

Email lipatetts@gmail.com

Preferred contact method

  • Email


ETT Breeders

  • Adargwn


    Julie Crowley Adargwn Location: Newport, S E Wales
  • X-pected Dine Mite

    X-pected Dine Mite

    Kirsti and Eirik Kahrs Oslo, Norway
  • Gillings


    Pam Reeve North Yorkshire, UK
  • Yurrugar


    Paige and Jennie Saunders and Dr Nicole Rowley Location: Melbourne, …
  • Roseofpern


    Mrs Zoe Clarke Location: Nottingham, UK