My First ETT Encounter – Hayley’s Story

My name is Hayley Scruby, I have a husband of 17 years, we have 3 sons aged 18,16 and 10 and I have a 21 year old daughter.

Both mine and my husbands parents always had dogs when we were growing up, Afghan Hound, Red Setter, Springer Spaniel, Daschunds and Flat Coat Retrievers – so quite a mix. So after starting our family quite early there wasn’t any consideration of dogs… until the children grew a bit. My husband wasn’t overly keen on having a dog although always a dog lover… but after some research on breeds and some gentle persuasion we ended up buying a Hungarian vizsla in 2009. Of course we only went to look at the puppies with no intention of buying. So Boris arrived, he wasn’t the easiest of puppies let’s say but we persevered with him and I wouldn’t change him for the world now. Just over a year later we went to look at some Wirehaired Hungarian vizslas and guess what; in August 2010 we bought Zala home! How I managed to persuade him on that one I have no idea. They run with my husband and we enjoy family walks with them – a very energetic breed with lots of affection to give. Boris is now 7 and Zala nearly 6.

Some time ago I started researching dog breeds again, I came across a picture of a gorgeous quite dainty Black and Tan dog with the cutest ears ever. Then the proper research began after finding out I’d fallen in love with a picture of an English Toy Terrier.

I did lots of reading on the breed and although obviously a smaller breed than the vizsla I thought they would probably be good together. On visiting friends in Kent and while out for a pub lunch we met our first one in the flesh. He had a lovely owner who was very happy to chat with us and tell us all about her beautiful dog.. I’d fallen even more in love!

So on returning home I started looking at breeders, there was absolutely none near Suffolk. I soon realised this was not an easy breed to get hold of so I began contacting people through Facebook pages and keeping my eyes firmly peeled for litters on the Kennel Club website and the Toy Terrier club site. I’d gently begun sweet talking hubby, most of the time he would ignore me probably hoping I’d forget about it but no chance! I saw an ad for a litter of 2 puppies in Yorkshire. We questioned whether to go and look because of the distance but actually they were probably as close as we were going to get from contact I’d had with people. After phone contact we travelled the very next day, I particularly wanted a bitch due to living in a male heavy household. More excuse to bring more pink into the house! There was one of each so knew she may be snapped up. At 5 weeks old how can you not totally fall in love? We met mum who was adorable and both puppies very spritely, friendly and obviously adorable. We paid our deposit that day and returned to collect Princess Pixie on 5th March.

Still not sure how I managed to secure dog number 3!

I was a little concerned how our other 2 would react on our return home but I needn’t have. They were obviously very excited and also probably confused at what this little mad thing was, that we’d bought into the house. After the initial excitement and everyone had settled down they both, day by day, began to accept and love her. Although Zala more put out than Boris but that’s because she’s my dog, the realisation that she would have to share me! First night home Pixie was a star, she settled well in her crate with no accidents! To this day I can count on one hand the number of indoor wee’s and never a poo… yet!

Pixie is now 16 weeks old, although it feels like we’ve had her forever. She makes us all laugh everyday with her huge personality. She loves meeting other people, other dogs – whatever shape or size, she oozes confidence. She especially loves coming on the school run with me where she gets totally swarmed by adoring fans. Although it’s not just the children; wherever pixie and I go we get stopped to ask what breed she is and to be told how beautiful she is. So now we always allow a little extra time on our travels.

She is so food orientated making it quite easy for training, she loves the car, loves cuddles, loves playing with the other two dogs and loves finding the sunny spot in the mornings! She just seems to love everything and we love everything about her. We’re very new to the breed but totally hooked just 6 weeks in and now can’t imagine life without her!


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